Loving God, you have entrusted us with the message of your power, grace, justice, and love. We ask for your guidance, that we may be teachers and learners together. Believing that you are in our midst, we set apart those who would serve in our Vacation Bible School. May they serve you in nurturing the spiritual growth of all who are entrusted in their care. Bless each one gathered here, enabling them to be channels of your grace. We pray all these things through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Lord, help us to dedicate our hearts to a time of
personal relationship with you, and to hear what you
desire of us as we prepare for VBS.
Lord, Thank You for this day and for the gifts you
have given to us and called us to use for Your Glory
through VBS Ministry this summer.
Today, Lord, we totally rely on You to lead us. Just as
our bodies crave oxygen, our hearts yearn for You to
lead us in this exciting Ministry
Lord, today as we think of all the plans and details
swimming around in our heads, may we remember
that You are the God of All Things Impossible. Give
us the strength as we trust You with the details.
Lord, today as we think of how we were chosen for
this Ministry, please be with all the others You have
called to do each and every position of our VBS
Ministry. No matter what the position, all are equally
important and could not function without the others.
Lead them to us, to give of themselves for Your Glory
this summer.
Lord, we may look ordinary, but we carry a Priceless
Treasure within our innermost being, the presence of
Your Spirit. Give us the courage to share this
priceless gift everywhere we go.
Thank You, Lord Jesus, for giving Your Life for us!
Thank You for dying to save us. We truly are more
special than we could ever imagine, because of what
you did for us.