Father in heaven, you sent us your
only Son to redeem us and to build
your kingdom on earth. Please give
us the wisdom and strength we need
to follow His call. Grant to the faithful
a spirit of generosity, that Church
vocations may flourish. Bless our
priests with holiness and courage,
that they may lead your people to
Christ. Help all sisters and brothers
to fulfill their sacred promises and so
be effective signs of your kingdom.
Lord, invite more men and women
to your service. We ask this through
Christ our Lord. Amen.
Loving God,
You speak to us and nourish us
through the life of this Church
In the name of Jesus, we ask you to
send your Spirit to us so that men and
women among us, young and old,
will respond to your call to service and
leadership in the Church. We pray
especially, in our day, for those who
hear your invitation to be a priest,
sister, or brother.
May those who are opening their
hearts and minds to your call be
encouraged and strengthened
through our enthusiasm in your
O loving and gracious God, Father of all, you
bless your people in every time and season and
provide for their needs through your providential
care. Your Church is continually in need of priests,
sisters and brothers to offer themselves in the service
of the gospel by lives of dedicated love. Open the
hearts of your sons and daughters to listen to your
call in their lives. Give them the gift of understanding
to discern your invitation to serve you and your
Church. Give them the gift of courage to follow your
call. May they have the spirit of young Samuel who
found fulfillment in his life when he said to you,
"Speak Lord, for your servant is listening." We ask
this through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Redeemer.
Creator God,
Life is your gift to me,
Through Baptism you invite me to share
the gift of my life in service to others.
Be with me as I choose each day to show
Your presence in our world.
Give me the courage and generosity to
respond to Your love, to Your call.
I pray especially for those who serve you as
Priests, Brothers, Sisters, Deacons and Lay Ministers.
Open the minds and hearts of many other
men and women that they may accept
Your challenge to build the Kingdom.
Loving God, you have made me in Your image and likeness,
and for this I shall praise You forever.
Through baptism Your invite me to serve as Your son Jesus served.
I offer You this day all that I have and all that I am
in union with His saving cross.
Father, in the power of the Spirit,
You send us forth to build up Your kingdom.
I pray especially for those whom You are calling
to serve the church as priests, deacons, sisters and brothers.
Help them to hear and answer Your call to discipleship.
The harvest is plenty, but laborers are few.
Please provide for us men and women
who will help to gather in a great harvest of souls.
I make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Father you call each one
of us by name and ask us
to follow you.
Bless your church by
raising up dedicated and
generous leaders from our
families and friends who
will serve your people as Sisters, Priests,
Brothers, Deacons, and Lay Ministers.
Inspire us as we grow to
know you, and open our hearts
to hear your call.
We ask this in
Jesus name
O Father, you desire all of us to be happy.
Stir up the grace of a religious vocation in the hearts
of many men and women.
Grant to them the willingness and generosity
to give of themselves,their lives, their time and their
talents to the service of Jesus Christ, Your Son, Our Lord and
Savior, and to His Holy Church.
May more men and women go forth as priests, deacons,
brothers and sisters to bring the truths of our Catholic faith
to all others so that soon they, too, may know You better
and love You more...
and serving You, be truly happy. Amen.
O God, Who wish all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of Your truth:
send, we beg You, laborers into Your harvest,
and grant them grace to speak Your word with all boldness;
so that Your word may spread and be glorified,
and all nations may know You, the only God,
and Him Whom You have sent,
Jesus Christ Your Son, Our Lord,
Who lives and reigns world without end. Amen.
Loving God,
your Son, Jesus, has shown us that an open heart finds the way.
Help me to find my way in this world.
Keep my heart open to following Jesus' way of serving
others in love.
Give me the courage to accept the guidance you offer me
through my family, my friends, and my parish community.
Through the Holy Spirit, you call me to a particular way of
If it is the way of a priest, sister, brother or deacon, then
help me to walk it in joyful service to your people.
With you, my God, I know I can find my way.