Dear God, I thank You for every worker within the church who works humbly for Your Kingdom. I pray that they will take advantage of the days that You have given them. Father, Your Word says that we must work the works of You while it is day because night is coming when no one can work. I pray that they will use the hours You have given them to work efficiently and meaningfully in the church. Let the work they do be out of respect and love for You, Amen.
Oh Lord, help every worker to work wholeheartedly for the church. Help them to remember that the work they do in the church is not in vain as Your Word declares that Your work is never wasted. I pray that they will always excel in the work for Your kingdom, doing their best and doing more than is needed. I pray that every worker within the church will be steadfast and immovable, working enthusiastically for You, Amen.
Righteous God, I pray that Your chosen people will do all things in love as they work in the church. I pray that no one will take advantage of the poor and needy who may volunteer to work for the church. Let every individual be treated with love and care so that even as we do mundane tasks, we do it whilst reflecting You, Amen.
Oh Lord, I thank You for workers in the church and we acknowledge that at times they may feel underappreciated while they serve the church. But Lord we ask that You will help them to remember that this service is not about serving human masters. Lord, we acknowledge Your Word that declares that You are not unjust and we know that You will not forget the work that workers within the church have done. So, we thank You Father, Amen.
Heavenly Father, I pray that workers in the church will not work for food that spoils or any earthly reward. But, I pray that they will work for the food that endures to eternal life that only Your son can give. I pray that as workers serve the church, let them remember that their reward on earth may not appear great, but the heavenly reward they receive will be much greater; thank You Lord, Amen.
Dear Lord, I thank You for allowing every worker to serve the church. We are grateful for the positions and responsibilities because the role they play in the church is work that they can enjoy. Lord Your Word says that there is nothing better for a person than to enjoy their work, so I give You thanks and pray that all who see those who work in the church, will see their love for serving others, Amen.
Eternal Father, I pray that You give divine strength for workers to serve the church. I pray that they will work hard in all that they do so that people will see You through me even my work within the church. I pray that everything they do will be fruitful in Jesus Name. So, Lord I pray that every worker in the church will have the mindset that, all hard work brings profit. So, help them work hard like You intended. I pray that You strengthen them in all that they do, Amen.
Loving Lord, we thank You that you have seen fit to place us in this little corner of Your vast world to be ministers unto You and to those whom You choose to place in our path. May we be faithful servants as we share the good news of the glorious gospel of Christ, and witness to the amazing grace whereby we have all been saved.
Thank You, for the seeds of the gospel of grace that have been quietly growing down through the centuries of time. Thank You, that we have been brought into that great family of God and have become a part of the growing body of Christ, separated into the gospel, by faith in Him.
Thank You, for the good work of grace that You have begun in our lives and all those with whom we are called to minister. May we be kept humble before You and prevent us from an attitude of self-inflated importance but rather let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith and ministry.
Lord, we pray that the Lord Jesus may be exulted in all we do, and may we submit to the leading of the Holy Spirit in all we undertake. Open ministry doors, as You see fit, so that we may shed abroad more of Your saving and sanctifying grace to those in need. May we continue to grow in grace and wisdom and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, and may all we say and do point others to Jesus, so that His name is glorified in all we say and do.
We ask this in the name of Jesus,