Heavenly Father, how I worship and praise You for Your loving kindness and goodness to each one of us. We could not draw another breath unless You gave us the power. You are indeed an awesome God and I stand in awe of You.
Lord, thank You that I am a part of the body of Christ and thank You for the many godly sisters in Christ that I have had the privilege to meet and get to know in my life. Lord, so many have come and gone and yet so many have left an indelible mark upon my life, and I just want to say thank You for all the dear sisters in Christ that have crossed my path, those that encouraged me and those that prayed for me, when I was lost in sin. Thank You for those that supported me and those that taught and trained me in the scripture to know more about You. Thank You for those that corrected me and for those that have blessed me in so many ways.
Lord, I know that although I have a lost touch with many of these dear sisters in Christ, that have had such a wonderful influence in my life, and although some have been taken to heaven already, I ask Your blessing on each and every one that is living today, wherever they may be, and pray that You would bring into each of their lives other godly women who would encourage and support them, and who would pray for them and encourage them. Thank You that one-day we will all stand before Your throne of grace and sing heavenly songs of great rejoicing together.
Thank You, Lord, for the many wonderful sisters in Christ that You have graciously placed in my life and I pray that You would give me the opportunity to similarly play the part of a ‘sister in Christ' to others that You see fit to bring into my life. In Jesus' name I pray,
Heavenly Lord, I come to You today to lift up my dear sister, whose health is failing badly and who needs Your touch of healing on her life. Lord, I know that You are the Giver of life You know exactly what is the problem from which my sister is suffering, and I pray that in a wonderful way You would touch her and heal her as only You can.
Father, I know that You have power to heal and sometimes to choose to heal a person and at other times Your will is to be an ever-present Help in the midst of our distresses. I ask Lord, that whatever the reason for my sister's deteriorating health that You would give her the sufficient grace that You have promised to all Your children, so that you demonstrate not only to them but to those that have to do with them an amazing grace that only You can provide.
Nevertheless Father, I pray that You will see fit to heal my sister and to raise her to full health and strength, but may Your perfect will be done in her life and we will give you all the praise and all the glory, for You alone are worthy to recover our worship and praise. In Jesus' name I pray,
Heavenly Father, what a joy to know that my lovely sister is to be married to the wonderful man that You have in Your grace brought into her life. Father, I pray that You would be with both of them as they made the necessary plans for their wedding, and I pray that the tensions that so often infiltrate into wedding plans will be dissolved into Your grace that surrounds them both.
Father, I pray that You would go before them, and draw them both ever closer to each other and to You, and that You would be given the central place in their marriage from the very start. Lord, I know that there are always snags and problems that surface when two people commit their lives to each other, but Lord I also know that this is often to smooth away the rough edges from them both, as You conform each one into the image of the Lord Jesus. Do this I pray for my sister and her future husband and may their life together be one that is flooded with Your grace, not that You necessarily remove the inevitable difficulties that comes with married life, but rather that You would be their sufficiency in all the problems that they may have to face together.
I pray that my dear sister will take the correct way and be the submissive wife that so delights Your heart and that her fiancé would similarly become a husband that truly loves his wife as Christ loved the Church, and gave Himself for her.
Lord, this truly is a wonderful time as we prepare for her wedding and I just want to hand my sister, her future husband and all the plans for the wedding into Your hands. In Jesus' name,
Thank You, Lord, for my sister and for the wonderful times that we have shared together. Thank You that You placed us in families and for the privilege of having a sister like mine. Thank You for all that my sister has taught me and the encouragement she has been to me when I have been in time of hardship and distress
Lord, I pray that You would be very close to her and direct and protect her in all she does. Lead and guide her into all truth and draw her ever closer to Yourself.
Lord, I pray that day by day she would draw closer to You and surrender herself to the leading of Your Spirit. May she grow in grace and in a knowledge of Jesus until we all come to spiritual maturity.
Give her the desire and grace to study Your Word and to draw ever closer to You in daily prayer. Bind her thoughts to Your thoughts and her will to Your will so that she may grow in the wisdom and truth that comes only from You. May she excel in the fruit of the Spirit and grow in humility and gentleness, and use her in a mighty way to demonstrate the love and grace of the Lord Jesus in all she says and does. In Jesus' name I pray,
Heavenly Father, I thank You for my sister, whom I love so dearly and yet Lord she does not know You and does not show any interest in knowing You. Lord, it grieves my heart that my beautiful sister is so indifferent to the good news of the gospel of Christ. Lord, I pray that You would seek her out and convict her of her need of Jesus and draw her into Your arms of love I pray.
Lord, I know that she herself has to make the choice to trust in the Lord Jesus as her Saviour and that You respect the choices that we make and never force Your love on anyone who does not want it, but Lord, I feel that she has been blinded to the truth and I ask that in a wonderful way You would open her eyes to her need of Jesus so that she might be saved.
Father, I know that it is not Your will that anyone should perish but that all should come to faith in the Lord Jesus as Saviour. I pray that whatever it takes, You will get her attention onto Jesus and bring her to her knees before Your throne of grace. Lord, I want my sister in heaven with the rest of the family and pray that in Your grace and love You would work in her life and bring her into Your family. In Jesus' name I pray,
Lord, thank you so much for what you've given me. I feel blessed for the life that I have and the people you've placed in it. I know that you are always looking out for me, supporting me, and guiding me in the way you want me to live. But today, Lord, I am not coming to you for myself. Today I come to you for my sister. She is one of the most important people you've placed in my life, and today I lift her up to you for blessings.
Lord, you have given me a sister who is my biggest support. I ask, Lord, that you protect her heart from those who would come against her. I ask that you bless her to be kind and intelligent. I ask that you give her strength to stand against those that would try to hurt her by leading her down darker paths. Lord, I ask that you give her a bigger heart for you, making her more sensitive to your voice and discerning in her decisions.
I also ask, Lord, that you bless the two of us together. I ask that you allow us to get along more often. I ask that you build up our relationship and help us avoid the arguments that tear so many siblings apart. Lord, I ask that you give me kinder words to say to her. I ask that you give me more patience to deal with her, and give her more patience with me. Lord, I ask that you allow us to work through our differences in ways that draw us closer together.
And Lord, I ask that you grow her into a woman of God. I ask that you guide her footsteps toward a bright future full of love and hope. I ask that you give her friends that support her and protect her. I ask that you give her a career and a family that will be as satisfying to her as it is to you.
Lord, there are few people in my life as precious to me as my sister, and I want all the best for her. No matter how many times we may argue or annoy one another, there is no other person I want close to me. She is my sister, and I love her. So I offer her up to you for your blessings. I offer her up to you so that you place your hand on her life. I just ask for blessings for her.
Thank you, Lord. I know I can do nothing without you, and I am grateful every day for that. You continue to place people and situations on my heart, and I will continue to ask your blessings for them. Thank you for all you do for me, even those things I cannot see. In your holy ?name I pray, Amen.
Our Father in heaven,
I'm so grateful for the sister you have given me. Though sometimes she's a rival, she is always a friend, a companion, a guide and guardian. Ever since our childhood, she always is by my side just like You. She's someone with whom I could share all the joy and sorrows of life. The sense of loving and caring taught me to be a better human being. I pray that You continue to keep Your blessings over her. Help her out in times of trouble, and remind her that she is never alone. Guide her to her calling, as she has guided me on my own journey. I know that having a sister is not a privilege everyone gets to experience, and I thank you for choosing me to have the honor. Amen!
Dear heavenly Father,
I come to you today completely trusting in your goodness and mercy. I appeal to your loving Spirit to watch over my sister. I praise you for her life and her soul. Thank you for her presence in my life.
Look upon my sister with your tenderness and grace. If she hurts – bring her healing. If she's afraid – give her courage. If she has fallen – lift her up in forgiveness.
And most of all dear Lord, let her know she is loved. Let her know I love her. Let her know you love her. And let love heal even her deepest wounds.
Give her confidence knowing she is your child. Oh heavenly Father, embrace my sister's heart. Bless her my Lord. Let her be healthy, free and protected in the strength of your loving arms.
In Jesus name,
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