Jesus, my Light in the Darkness, I ask for Your loving guidance right now. Please guide me to become a purposeful and supportive youth pastor. Please walk with me. I know that when I act and think through You, Lord, my life is full of light. Please help me be the person these young people need. Guide me into important truths, Lord. Walk with me during the highs and lows. Please place me in the right direction so I can be who You need me to be. In Your name, Amen.
Compassionate and Gracious God, as a youth pastor, I help many young people on their relationship with You. However, the problems and challenges they face are very different than mine right now. They are young and going through many changes. They have pressure and stress to fit in. Please help me empathize with these young people. Help me walk in their shoes, just as Jesus did for us. Help me be the listener and supporter they need right now. In Jesus' loving name, Amen.
Precious Holy Spirit, my work as a youth pastor is not always perfect. I make mistakes and say the wrong things. But You continually bless me with second chances and forgiveness. I wake every morning with a new chance to share this good news to young people. Please help me stay grateful for Your gift. Help me celebrate this amazing news with the young people of my church. May they also learn that they are forgiven and blessed. Thank You for this everlasting blessing. In Jesus' almighty name, Amen
O Lord, Mighty in Power, I know we all walk different paths towards You. As a youth pastor, I see many young people get to know You in beautiful and miraculous ways. But beyond that Lord, I ask for Your help. Please place me in a position to be a mentor and supporter of these young people. Help me teach them that You are always there for them, but that there are also people cheering them on here in this lifetime. Help me be a role model, listener, and friend to these young people, Lord. In Jesus' beautiful name, Amen.
Sovereign Lord, Your word is so good. I have the great honor of sharing it with many young people at my church. Please help me continue to speak Your word into their lives. Help me find stories that they can relate to and love. Help me show them the tool Your word can be during good and bad times. Help me speak power and joy into Your word. Thank You for this opportunity, Lord. In Jesus' glorious name, Amen.
Name above all Names, I am so grateful for the opportunities You have placed in my life. I sincerely thank You for the chance to be a youth pastor. I get to praise You and help young people praise You every day. I get to lead young people to You. I celebrate every day as I go to work, for I get to rejoice in Your goodness as a career. Thank You for this exceptional gift, Lord. Please help me do it well. In Jesus' gracious name, Amen.
Thank You, Lord, for Christian youth ministries that are being used to share the gospel of Jesus with a range of young people. I pray that You would draw each one closer to Yourself as they meet together for fellowhip, fun and to learn more about You.
Lord, I pray that You would use such youth ministries to strengthen and encourage all those that have been born again, so that they may grow spiritually. And Lord, for those youngsters who do not yet know You, I pray that you would convict each one of their need of a Saviour, so that they may come to faith through the Word of God and the witness of these youth fellowships and ministries.
Protect them from the wiles of the enemy, who would seek to undermine their trust in You, but rather equip each one to look to Jesus rather than to the things of the world. May they grow in grace and become an effective witness to friends and family, not only in what they say but in the godly way that they behave. In Jesus' name,
Bless them with your guiding grace as they face the challenges and opportunities in their lives.
Touch their hearts with the gentleness of your love, that they may know they are valued and valuable beings.
Send your spirit of hope to their lives, that they may believe in themselves and know they are needed in this world.
Grace them with the gift of joy that they may celebrate life through laughter and tears alike.
Guide us, as we continue to grow in appreciation of the many gifts of young people, in the ministry opportunities we offer to them, in the journey of faith we walk with them, in our shared mission as a community called to discipleship in the world.
We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.