Loving Heavenly Father, I pray Your loving kindness and gracious mercies be poured out over the many young people of today who have turned their backs on the truth of the glorious gospel of Christ.
Father, in your grace and mercy, You sent Your only beloved Son to take the punishment for their souls, and yet so many have turned the eyes of their heart to the things of this world, and have believed the lies of the enemy, rather than turning to the truth of the Scriptures.
Father, I pray that You would convict many young people of their need of Jesus as their Saviour and draw many into Your kingdom. Speak to their hearts and convict them in their spirit, and may Your name be glorified and heaven rejoice at those that come to trust you as Saviour. I pray in Jesus' name,
We pray for this new generation, the young men and women of today.
Shine your truth into their hearts. May they hear you in music, see you in art and experience you through the love and care of family, friends and teachers.
Build your hope into their lives. May they sense this hope rise in their hearts as they encounter the power of nature, the majesty of the oceans and the beauty in creation.
Come sow your wisdom into their minds. May they discover wisdom as they read their bibles, discuss deeper issues of life or encounter hardships or difficulties.
Come weave your love into their dreams. May they find vision in their interests, opportunities for their talents and aspirations for their abilities.
May this new generation of your men and women know you.
Dear Heavenly Father, how I thank and praise you for the young men and women who have trusted in the Lord Jesus as their Saviour, and I ask that You would work in the lives of all young people who have stepped out in faith in the Son of God.
Draw ever closer to those who have made a commitment to You. May they grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus in the days that lie ahead. May they learn to walk in spirit and truth and to trust in Your Word, knowing that Your grace in sufficient for all their needs and requirements.
Keep them I pray, from being influenced by the tempting things of the world, and the desires of the sin nature, and protect them from the wiles of the enemy who would seek to disrupt their walk with You.
Give them grace and wisdom as they face the challenges of life, and keep them humble in heart and teachable in spirit. May they learn to look to Jesus day by day knowing that without Him they can do nothing but in His strength He will lead and guide in all things. In Jesus' name,
Loving Father, You sent the Lord Jesus Christ, Your only begotten and eternal Son into the world to save sinners. But there are many people in the world who have not heard this, people who need to hear the good news of the glorious gospel of grace, and of Jesus Christ, Who died for their sins and rose again the third day.
Raise up young men and women with a heart for Jesus and a desire to share the gospel with those that are lost in their sins, so that many may be brought to saving faith in the Lord Jesus. Develop in these young people, the heart of an evangelist and the opportunity to share the good news of the gospel of grace to those that are lost and in need of a Saviour. In Jesus' name I pray,
We pray for our young people. Shine your truth into their hearts, O Lord. May they hear you in music, see you in art, and experience you through the love and care of family, friends, and teachers. Build your hope into their lives as they encounter the power of nature, the majesty of the oceans, and the beauty in creation. Sow your wisdom into their minds as they read their bibles, discuss deeper issues of life, or encounter hardships or difficulties. Weave your love into their dreams. Help them find vision in their interests, opportunities for their talents, and aspirations for their abilities. May this new generation of your men and women know, love, and serve you. Amen.
Loving God and Father, You have given us every good gift and promised to be with us always. We ask for your blessing as we journey through this Year of Youth in the Diocese of Trenton. Surround us with your care and enfold us in your love. Guide our bishop. Inspire our priests, our deacons, our religious, and all the faithful. Bless our families. Strengthen our parishes and schools. Make this a time of grace for the young Church; a time of growth and renewal for all who take part in this Year of Youth. Send your Holy Spirit among us to awaken in our hearts the courage to live the joy of the Gospel in everything we do, through Christ our Lord.
Loving God,
we ask for your blessing as we journey through this Year of Youth in the Diocese of Trenton. Surround us with your care and enfold us in your love. Guide our bishop. Inspire our priests, our deacons, our religious, and all the faithful. Bless our families. Strengthen our parishes and schools. Make this a time of grace for the young Church; a time of growth and renewal for all who take part in this Year of Youth. Send your Holy Spirit among us to awaken in our hearts the courage to live the joy of the Gospel in everything we do, through Christ our Lord.
Dear Lord, we pray for this new generation, the young men and women of today. Shine your truth into their hearts as they hear you in music, see you in art, and experience you through the love and care of family, friends and teachers. Build your hope into their lives as they encounter the power of nature, the majesty of the oceans, and the beauty in creation.
Sow your wisdom into their minds as they read the bible, discuss deeper issues of life, or encounter hardships or difficulties. Weave your love into their dreams as they find vision in their interests, opportunities for their talents, and aspirations for their abilities. Amen
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